68 NEW HUMANISM still conceived in terms oŁ a situation which has ceased to exist. Capitalism is no longer a stable social order claiming adherence on its own merits. In large parts of the world, it has already collapsed, and almost every- where it has lost its moral sanction. The consequent social instability has created a new situation. On the one hand, large masses of people affected by a sense of insecurity have become more amenable to the appeal of totalitarianism, whether in the name of the nation or the class. They are prone to exchange their individu- ality, their existence as free thinking beings, for the false sense of security and power acquired by merging into a collectivity. On the other hand, with the collapse of capitalism, social leadership has gradually shifted from the owners of capital to the leaders of successful politi- cal parties. The result is the predominance of power- politics, The process is aided by a third factor. With the end of competitive capitalism, the doctrine of laisser faire has been replaced by that of State planning. Economic planning increases the scope and power of the State. Those in control of the State are placed in possession of a vast concentration of power. The prize of power-politics is the establishment of a' formidable dictatorship. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the era of capitalism is giving place to the era of power-politics. The political world is being polarised not between the supporters and opponents of capitalism, but between totalitarian forces thirsting for dictatorial power. Whether thev emerge from the right or the left, Is im-